Helpful tip!
Zoom in or out of your image and pan around it for even more precise editing.
Smart Erase
Brush over unwanted objects with the Smart Erase tool and watch them disappear instantly. The Smart Erase tool fills in the area naturally.
Remove image flaws using the Healing Brush on complicated textures like skin or fur.
Remove image flaws using the Cloning Brush for strong, simple textures or uniform colors.
Blended Clone Tool
Use the Blended Clone tool to copy pixels from a source area to a target area. The software analyzes the pixels in the target area and blends them with the copied pixels for the most seamless repair yet.
Red Eye Tool
Automatically remove red eyes from the faces in your photos.
Restore contrast, detail, and lost color to your images. This tool is especially useful for images that have been captured through a haze.
Retouch images by moving pixels, not changing them, for limitless photo manipulations.
Mirror your images either vertically or horizontally.
Rotate & Straighten
Rotate your images at preset or custom angles, or adjust the horizontal angle of your image using the Straighten tool. You can save your settings as a preset for future use.
Sharpen your photos by enhancing medium and high contrast edges.
Noise Reduction
Reduce noisy artifacts in your images and adjust using Luminance and Tone sliders for greater results.
Skin Tune
Use the Skin Tune tool to even tone and restore glow in your subjects, as well as brighten and smooth.
Chromatic Aberration
Heal colored fringes on the borders of high contrast areas with the Chromatic Aberration tool.
Lens Correction
Automatically correct barrel and pincushion distortion by applying the fix calibrated for the distortion inherent to the lens you used. More lenses have been added to the supported Lens types.
Distortion Correction
Correct barrel, pincushion, and fisheye distortion in your photos.
Perspective Correction
Easily adjust the perspective of your photo so large or far-away objects are the correct size.
Crop Tool
Use the Crop tool to remove unwanted parts of your images, or to reduce the image canvas to a particular size.
The Clarity tool adds subtle definition to the details in your image. Use it to enhance the contrast of midtones in your images, without overpowering the shadows and highlights.